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Functional Consulting

We specialize in providing functional consulting for sales and HR, helping clients put recommendations into action for real results.


Functional Consulting
  1. Business Scalability
    The service focuses on scaling the business by creating new business channels, new regions and overall spanning the Revenue over a period of 2 years. We have been able to grow the business by 100% over the span of 1 years of association with the business.
  2. Business Process Building & Implementation
    The service offers documenting & creates the process to remove bottlenecks of communication, Delays in Order processing and Delivery, optimizing Tracking and Monitoring, and Reviewing to check constantly. This service is effective for businesses to improve their current state and optimize their processes to the maximum, thus presenting an opportunity to build new supply for the market.
  3. Review/Audit My Sales
    Review in any business is the most crucial activity that creates transparency within the business and allows for the identification of improvement areas while staying true to the objective.

    This itself has helped the business to grow by 20% from its current state.


Functional Consulting
  • Analyze Current HR Systems
  • Departmental Processes
  • Department SOPs
  • Performance Management System
  • Organizational Culture
  • Legal & statutory Compliances
  • Policies & Documents
  • SWOT analysis of Organization

2. Organizational Structuring
3. Manpower Planning & Budgeting
4. HR Policies & SOPs
5. Setting up Organization PMS (Performance Management System)
6. Goal Setting, KRA, KPI, OKR of Team Members
7. Employee engagement Activities
8. Establish Training & Development activities
9. Business HR customization